SERVE // Worship Ministry Opportunities

The Music Ministry Team is welcoming singers and instrumentalists who would like to help serve in special music or during hymns for worship. Whether you would like to do a solo or be part of a small group, you are valuable to the team. *New for fall - the Bell Choir will be ringing praises! (We will teach you how to read music and play the bells.) Send an email to Pamela Johnson if you would like to participate in any way.
With our services being live streamed online, or pre-recorded for on-demand viewing on our website, our ministry to reach worshippers at home is even more important now that ever. It is an effort that requires helping hands to lighten the load in this growing ministry. Fairview is in need of people who have interest in learning and / or skills in technology such as:
- camera operation to help with live streaming worship and making videos (from the balcony and floor for better views),
- PC operation during live streaming or pre-recording videos
- video and audio editing of pre-recorded content or special situations,
- creating and editing text and graphics to use during the service (such as hymn lyrics, responsive readings, prayers, etc.),
- help with set up of microphones, projector, and other equipment,
- sound board operators to adjust mics during the service as needed.
Please contact Roy Adler for more information on joining this innovative team!
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