Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian Church

News & Updates

March 27, 2020

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Worship “With” Us! Sunday, March 29, 2020  SERMON TEXT:  John 15:1-17SERMON TITLE:   "I am the Vine"  // Tim Latham This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together! Update from Tim I know that across...

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March 26, 2020 // Update from Tim

Posted by Tim Latham on

I know that across our congregation, folks are feeling different anxieties during this time. Some are worried about their health, some are worried about their jobs or finances while others are feeling isolated in their homes or overwhelmed with kids home from school! This is a unique...

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March 20 // A Letter From Session

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Friends, We know that many of our brothers and sisters are dealing with anxiety, fear, or loneliness during this time. It's difficult to have to change our normal routines and practice social distancing when we are social beings. However, we do believe that this time could also be a wonderful...

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March 20, 2020

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Worship “With” Us! Sunday, March 22, 2020  SERMON TEXT:  John 14:1-14SERMON TITLE:   "I am the Way the Truth and the Life"  // Tim Latham This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together! Connecting...

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March 14 // UPDATES ... A Message From Tim

Posted by Tim Latham on

Church Family, after a great deal of prayer and thinking, we have decided to cancel Sunday School and our worship services for the next two weeks. We will continue to monitor the situation and hope to keep everyone informed of our plans moving forward.  This decision was difficult, but we...

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March 13, 2020

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Come Worship With Us! Sunday, March 15, 2020 // 10:30 am SERMON TEXT:  John 12:1-11SERMON TITLE:   "An Extravagant Love"  // Tim Latham Message about Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dear friends,As we all follow the development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to let you know...

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A Message about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Posted by Tim Latham on

Dear friends,As we all follow the development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to let you know of a few steps we're taking to ensure our church family stays safe and healthy.  As we gather on Sunday, please do what you can to refrain from personal contact, and perhaps replace our usual...

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March 6, 2020

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Come Worship With Us! Sunday, March 8, 2020 // 10:30 am SERMON TEXT:  John 11:17-27SERMON TITLE:   "I am the Resurrection and the Life"  // Tim Latham ***Called Congregational Meeting*** There will be a Called Congregational Meeting on March 22, 2020 immediately...

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