SERVE // Fellowship Committee Members

Join the Team
Fairview is seeking volunteers to assist with recreational and social events
The Fellowship Committee needs people to help organize events for your church family.
If you find yourself with some extra time on your hands, why not consider committing a few hours to Fairview. A one- year commitment would be needed to help plan and organize a calendar of events to be determined by the committee.
Following is a list of activities put on by the Fellowship Committee in 2019:
___February 9, 2019 Game Night
___March 30, 2019 Fairview Dines Out
___June 9, 2019 All Church Picnic
___July 20, 2019 Bluegrass Concert
___September 8, 2019 Sunday School Kick Off Breakfast
___October 19, 2019 Square Dancing
___November 16, 2019 Fairview Dines Out
Would you like to see these activities continue in the future or have some additional thoughts???
For questions or to join the team , please see:
Dennis Lesher
Carolyn Thompson
Linda Gyrath
April White
Amy Styer
Ginny Latham
Angie Steiginga
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