SERVE // Bagel Sunday Host Sign-Up

Volunteers are needed for this month. Please consider signing up to host a bagel Sunday...
One of the four steps in the discipleship process at Fairview is CONNECT and one way we can connect is to share fellowship once a month over bagels, drinks, and goodies. Traditionally, we celebrate Bagel Sunday on the last Sunday of each month.
The "host/hostess" is asked to supply 1-2 dozen mini bagels, 1-2 varieties of cream cheese, 1 1/2 gallon juice or lemonade, and baked goods. As you may be aware, Fairview has a sweet tooth! I have found that baked goods like brownies, cookies, donut holes, mini muffins or other sweet treats are the favorites among the young and young at heart. I would err on supplying more baked goods and fewer bagels, unless you want leftovers! If you are short on time, store bought donuts and muffins are perfectly acceptable. I usually set up between Sunday School and worship so people can visit before worship and after.
Please consider signing up to provide refreshments. You can even partner with a friend to share the work and expense! If you have any questions or need to change the date of a bagel Sunday, give me a call.
Thank you,
Aimee Ludt
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