Music Ministry Spring Opportunities

Music Ministry Team News
Calling all musicians! Everyone is always welcome to share musical talents for Sunday worship. Whether you play an instrument or sing, you are an important part of serving in music ministry! Please contact to schedule a time or to join a group below!
Special Music Opportunities for Spring!!
Lenten Bell Choir - Register now if you would like to play with the bell choir. No music reading required! Just sing and ring! There will be two short rehearsals after church prior to sharing songs with the congregation. All ages! Dates TBD.
Youth Choir - All youth are invited to sing in a small choir for Sunday worship. Plans for an elementary group and a teen group are in the works!
More Music Opportunities:
- Sing a solo
- Sing a duet
- Play piano or organ
- Play another instrument: guitar, oboe, saxophone, violin, trumpet, drums ....
- Share your favorite hymn, gospel, or contemporary song
- Contemporary Music Team
- Children’s Choir
- Adult Choir or Vocal Ensemble
- Bell Choir (Lent and Advent)
- Cantata (at Christmas)
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