March 26, 2020 // Update from Tim

I know that across our congregation, folks are feeling different anxieties during this time. Some are worried about their health, some are worried about their jobs or finances while others are feeling isolated in their homes or overwhelmed with kids home from school! This is a unique and difficult time for all of us. But no matter how isolated we may feel away from our friends, our coworkers, and our church family – we know that we are not alone. At the very end of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Always does not mean just on Sunday or just when we’re happy but all the time. No matter what you are facing this week, no matter what your fears are, no matter what is happening in the world around us – we have hope in our Immanuel, God with Us!
The Pennsylvania Secretary of Health had a conference call with clergy earlier in the week and while no exact dates were mentioned, we believe it’s unlikely it will be safe and prudent for us to gather together for public worship for a while. We are cancelling all in-person gathering through the end of April.
This means:
- No worship services until May 3rd at the earliest. However, we will still worship! Each week, we’ll have the home worship guide on the website along with a new sermon. Christians have worshipped in homes for generations and I believe that great things can come from us venturing out of normal routine. If you have any additional on how to help folks worship at home, please let me know.
- No groups or gatherings in person for the month. Several groups at Fairview have found other ways to meet using zoom, or conference calls to stay connected. If you have a group that would like help figuring out alternative plans, we can help.
- No Cantata on April 5th. We are hopeful that we’ll be able to reschedule the cantata once rehearsals and worship are able to recommence.
- No Easter Services on April 12th. This does not mean that Easter is cancelled. Easter is the day we celebrate Jesus conquering death. Even if we cannot be together, we will celebrate and death will still be defeated.
One final note. Bernie mentioned to me that she has been keeping her eyes and ears peeled for the positives in this situation. I think that’s a good practice for all of us. If you have stories of praise, of helping your neighbors in some way, of God’s providence in this time, or something you’ve learned about God while on lockdown – please write it down and let me know. When we are able to come back together in person, I hope that we will have stories to tell of the “great things He hath done.’
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