June 8, 2018

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, June 10, 2018 // 10:30 am
Third sunday after pentecost
SERMON TEXT: Psalm 139:1-24
SERMON TITLE: "No Escape from God" // Rev. Dr. Dennis Lesher
This Sunday!!
Opportunities to Connect
We Need to Know From You This Week!
There are two events that we are getting a pulse on the interest level!! Sign ups are available in the Church Foyer!
The game being considered is Sunday, July 22 at 5pm, which is one of the games that players share their faith as believers in Jesus Christ. You'll see the sign up sheet has a section asking interest in participating with the buffet. Please response to this proposed outing by SUNDAY JUNE 10th.
We are trying to reignite Recreational Evenings, starting with Volleyball. Guidelines are at least 18 years old, co-ed, and will occur in the evening (considering a Monday at 7:30) to take place in fellowship hall. Invite a friend, and/or neighbor for a time of exercise and fun. A short devotional will proceed the play time.
Food ... Fellowship ... Music ... Fun
Our church picnic with music by Ransomed Bluegrass, is right around the corner!! Grilled meats will be provided, we ask that you bring a side/dessert to share. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. A love offering will be collected.
Come ready to eat and relax! Don't forget your your lawn chair!!
Opportunities to Know
Weekly Memory Work
A Snippet of Reformed Doctrine // The Shorter Catechism
Q3. What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A. The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man.
Q4. What is God?
A. God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
Small Group Studies
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO MADE this wonderful event!
On Saturday June 2, 2018, 42 ladies listened to Chaplain Juliana Lesher as she praised God in word and song. In her presentations, she explained how a series of difficult events that occurred throughout her life, brought her even closer to our Lord. Concurrently, she shared how these struggles eventually equipped her and gave her greater insights and compassion to persons struggling with their own difficulties and trials. She told the group about the amazing power of prayer and expressed gratitude to the many Christians who prayed with and for her.
We had two, break-out sessions with small groups of seven women discussing and sharing a range of key topics, such as these: false teachings that seek to confuse and distract us from the Gospel, women priority issues that are established, maintained and even enhanced as they relate to our abilities, talents, gifts and time availability, and, suggestions and strategies to confidently share the salvation message that is in Jesus Christ alone.
In the afternoon, we all shared a ‘life lesson,’ by making a web of yarn that symbolized how we, as women, are ‘connected’ to one another as the body of Christ. This activity reinforced three Bible-based truths – our dependence upon each other, our need to pray for one another and our desire to encourage one another.
We closed our retreat by sharing together in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Many of our Small Groups are on Summer Break.
Check out the website for a complete listing of All Small Group Opportunities.
Opportunities to Serve
Search the Sales Flyer
It's a wonderful way to take advantage of specials that are being run at our local stores. Simply grab some extras and drop them off in our collection box.
Bagel Sunday Sign Ups // Volunteers Needed for June and July
We are looking for hosts for upcoming months. Please consider serving in this way. More details and an online sign up are available here.
VBS is Quickly Approaching!!
Sign Ups are underway! Be sure to spread the word and use the online form to register!
Has your availability changed and you can lend a hand??? Please see Valerie Petrie! This is a wonderful outreach and a wonderful way to serve our community and our Lord. Come on into the clubhouse and show kids that God is over the moon in love with them!
Decorating is starting to rocket up all over the church. Space teams are starting to be assembled to learn of God's love for them with our lead lesson astronauts, galactic games are planned, space-ready snacks are being prepared, and out-of-this world crafts have been created.
Come on into the clubhouse and show kids that God is over the moon in love with them!
Two donated items are needed to complete our space mission.
Ten sleeping bags (Please put a piece of masking tape on them with your name so they can be returned.) You may drop your sleeping bags in the Christian Education Office.
Cardboard from toilet paper rolls We need them for our space ships! A box is in the foyer for your contributions.
Thank you!
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
Many of ouR Service Opportunities are ongoing ... to learn more click any image below for further details!
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