June 16, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, June 16, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: Psalms 46
SERMON TITLE: "God is Our Fortress" // Tim Latham
New Preaching Series
The Psalms are a special book. They are 150 individual songs or prayers that are spread out over several different genres and general attitudes. Most of the Bible consists of God communicating with His people but the Psalms are full of God’s people communicating with Him. RC Sproul famously said that “whenever I read the Psalms, I feel like I am eavesdropping on a saint having a personal conversation with God.” And this is a wonderful gift. Some of the Psalms highlight praise, some highlight gratitude, some highlight lament, and others highlight anger.
The Psalms give us a model for how to approach God in every situation we find ourselves. Too often, we think of prayer as a chore we must do, or a particular method where we have to say the right words – but the Psalms give us examples for how to approach God in authenticity. Throughout the entire history of the church, Christians have used the Psalms to pray and connect with God. Even Jesus used the Psalms to pray in His most trying moments in the Garden, and on the Cross. This is the beauty of the Psalms; they are not just God’s Word to Us but also God’s Word For Us. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where prayer is not easy, where you’re not sure what words to use – there is a Psalm to help you connect to God.
We have spent most of the liturgical year – Advent-Pentecost – studying the life of Christ, and the empowering of the Church through the Holy Spirit. We have focused on the story of God dwelling with His people. Now, we transition into ordinary time and learn more about God by studying the story of His people, by better understanding our human condition and how we relate to God. This Summer, I hope that we will grow in our comfort with the Psalter, understanding it as a way to encourage our prayer life, enrich our praise, and deepen our relationship with God.
Are you Ready to Explore a Deeper Commitment to this Part of the Body of Christ?
We’d love an opportunity to get to know you better and for you to learn more about Fairview. During this class, we’ll touch on essentials of our Reformed Christian Faith, how to grow as disciples of Christ, and what it looks like to be a member at Fairview. At the end of the class you can decide if God is calling you to membership at Fairview at this time.
Depending on the schedule of interested people, the class will include 1 or 2 sessions with Tim and some Fairview Elders to focus on important information and at least 1 time of fellowship with other classmates and members at Fairview. Please reach out to if you’re interested in attending the next new members class!
Weekly Memory Work
It's Gonna be a Wild Time
Vacation Bible School is THIS WEEK:
June 18th to 20th
from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Final set up on June 17th.
Please see Valerie Petrie for more information or tell her if you are planning on coming to help.
Please pray!
It’s the most important piece to His success in bringing Christ to those who don’t know Him.
Meal Train for the Sauders
Your help is needed in providing dinners for Cheryl and Barry Sauder on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week through the summer as Cheryl continues her chemo treatments for cancer. Please prayerfully consider the dates and see where you can help. Follow this link to sign up or contact Chris Adler (610) 506-2155.
Food Pantry Focus for June
Gather your friends and neighbors!
This is sure to be a highlight of your summer fellowship!
Feel free to grab the image and use an an invitation to others! There is a "print friendly" version on our website. Read more...
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