February 28, 2020

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, March 1, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 10:1-21
SERMON TITLE: "I am the Door and the Good Shepherd" // Tim Latham
Weekly Memory Work
Join us in the Adult Sunday school Class
The adult Sunday school class will begin a new DVD study entitled Lessons from the Upper Room presented by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson. In this 12 - part teaching series Dr. Ferguson paints a vivid picture of the disciples' final moments with their Savior. As the disciples sat with their master, unaware of what would soon take place, Jesus served, taught and prayed for them.
It's Almost time ...
Join us for a Square Dancing Social! This is a family friendly event that it bound to be lots of fun! Be sure to reach out to friends and neighbors to see if they would like to join the festivities!! Sign ups are available in the church foyer.
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