February 14, 2020

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 16, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TITLE: "A Psalm" // Casey Hukel
Weekly Memory Work
It's a Milestone Birthday for Joann Fleck!
We encourage everyone who is able to take a moment to send Joann birthday wishes!
Ladies of the church, please join the Tuesday Morning Bible Study group after our lesson, on February 18th at 11:30 to celebrate Joann Fleck’s 90th birthday with cake and ice cream.
Did you SIgn UP??
Family Night is next week...Children will be watching "The Chronicles of Narnia" in the parlor, while the "young at heart" play games in fellowship hall. Sign ups are on the Welcome Table in the church foyer.
Other Events coming up Soon...
Food Pantry Collection
We continue to collect pantry items that are donated to the Glenmoore Food Pantry which is served by the Salvation Army. If anyone is curious how the food pantry hands out food, the folks working at the food pantry put together boxes of a variety of items for each family to pick up. Patrons using the food pantry do not select what items they will receive. Thank you to everyone who has donated... for your generosity to this mission!
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