Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian Church


News & Updates

Easter Collection for the Food Pantry

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The Salvation Army would like the congregation to donate wrapped Easter Candy this year to help with the Easter Baskets. 

The Glenmoore Salvation Army Food Pantry is purchasing the hams, and we will provide the rest of the meal from our order with Chester County Food Bank.  Last year we made 50 baskets and people showed up the day we handed them out that had not signed up for their children.  Fortunately, the Township provided us with their leftover baskets from the Township Easter Egg Hunt so that we had enough.  We will need to make more baskets this year as we have had an influx in clients in the last two months, many with several children per family. 

What else can I donate?

The food bank accepts donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene items, baby products, pet foods, etc. Please be sure that items are not out of date or opened. They can be dropped off in the container in the foyer. They are collected and delivered each week on Friday mornings.

Thank you to everyone who has donated for your generosity to this mission.

Volunteer at the Food Bank

Anyone that has free time on Friday mornings from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and would like to volunteer their time, it would be appreciated. They should be able to lift up to 50 pounds, stand on their feet for an extended amount of time, provide their PA Background Clearances and Child Abuse Clearances (help to acquire these is available).
