April 17, 2020

Worship “With” Us!
Sunday, April 19, 2020
SERMON TEXT: Hebrews 1:1-4
SERMON TITLE: "The Greatness of Jesus" // Tim Latham
This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together!
Jesus is Greater | A Study in Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews is a letter to a people suffering from persecution, uncertainty, and exhaustion. Homiletics professor Thomas Long describes it as “a letter to a people grown weary.” Hebrews gives hope and confidence to those in times of trouble by pointing them towards Jesus, by tracing His greatness throughout the entire Bible. As we continue to deal with the aftermath of the Coronavirus, surrounded by sadness for those we’ve lost, anxiety for our financial future, and confusion about what our faith has to say in this specific moment – I can think of no more fitting text for us to spend time in this season. Let us dive into Hebrews together and learn about how Jesus is greater than the past prophets and covenant and practices and how Jesus is greater than the present concerns and fears and doubts that surround us.
Weekly Memory Work
Giving | an act of worship
Many of our members give in person during the Sunday offerings. If you are still able to contribute during this period of Worshipping from a Distance, please consider an alternative method for your weekly offering :
- mail in your offerings
- set up an automatic e-check with your financial institute
- make your contribution securely online
Food Pantry Needs
During the "Stay at Home" orders, the pantry's donations are quite slim, and the needs of those they support are greater than ever. Kids and parents alike, are home emptying the cabinets all day long. Please consider options that children could make independently, while mom and dad are working (sandwich supplies, canned meats, microwavable pastas, etc.). In addition to food, cleaning supplies and pet supplies would be very helpful.
Donations can be dropped by the back door of the church during weekly office hours.
Simply call Jenn in the office and let her know you've left something. She will move them inside. Robin Miller will continue to come on Friday mornings around 9am, and take our collection to the food pantry.
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