Worship “With” Us!
Sunday, March 22, 2020
SERMON TEXT: John 14:1-14SERMON TITLE: "I am the Way the Truth and the Life" // Tim Latham
This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together!
Church Family, after a great deal of prayer and thinking, we have decided to cancel Sunday School and our worship services for the next two weeks. We will continue to monitor the situation and hope to keep everyone informed of our plans moving forward.
This decision was difficult, but we...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, March 15, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 12:1-11SERMON TITLE: "An Extravagant Love" // Tim Latham
Message about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dear friends,As we all follow the development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to let you know...
Dear friends,As we all follow the development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to let you know of a few steps we're taking to ensure our church family stays safe and healthy.
As we gather on Sunday, please do what you can to refrain from personal contact, and perhaps replace our usual...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, March 8, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 11:17-27SERMON TITLE: "I am the Resurrection and the Life" // Tim Latham
***Called Congregational Meeting***
There will be a Called Congregational Meeting on March 22, 2020 immediately...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, March 1, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 10:1-21SERMON TITLE: "I am the Door and the Good Shepherd" // Tim Latham
Weekly Memory Work
Join us in the Adult Sunday school Class
The adult Sunday school class will begin a new DVD study...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 23, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 8:12-20SERMON TITLE: "I am the Light of the World" // Tim Latham
Weekly Memory Work
New Adult Sunday school Class Begins This Week
The adult Sunday school class will begin a new DVD study...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 16, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: Psalm 1SERMON TITLE: "A Psalm" // Casey Hukel
Weekly Memory Work
It's a Milestone Birthday for Joann Fleck!
We encourage everyone who is able to take a moment to send Joann birthday...
Good Works Work Day
Our next work day will be March 7th.
Please join us at the Good Works NCC (Northern Chester County) warehouse in St. Peter’s Village at 8 AM to gather tools and materials, and meet with all the teams before our work day which ends by 3 PM.
**We are...
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 9, 2020 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: John 6:35-48SERMON TITLE: "I am the Bread of Life" // Tim LathamREMINDER... This week is the Annual Congregational Meeting
Weekly Memory Work
Calling all Musicians
“Worship the...