Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian Church


Men's Discipleship | FMDG


First Tuesday, Third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: Fairview Presbyterian Church, 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA US 19343

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Our Fairview Men’s Discipleship Group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Church Parlor.  

FMDG warmly welcomes men of all ages, whether retired, employed, currently attending school or university, etc.  Members have found our discussions to be informative, candid, and inspirational as we share our faith journeys with one another.

What is FMDG?

We encourage ALL MEN at Fairview and in our local community, regardless of age or point in life, to join our men's group.

Our collective belief is that each of us, whether young(er) or old(er) has unique life experiences and life perspectives to share with one another to help us to grow closer to our Lord ...so that we can become better disciples and serve him more faithfully as we travel through life. Thus, our group is referred to as Fairview Men's Discipleship Group and if that's too much of a mouthful...

call us FMDG

We are now Embarking on a profound exploration of our Heavenly Father and Creator with the highly regarded book Knowing God by J.I. Packer.

Please come and experience genuine Christian fellowship and spirited, insightful discussion as we continue our individual walks of faith on the path to discipleship in Christ our Lord and Savior.

For additional information contact  or call him at 610-942-8721.