


Prayer Ministries

Prayer is woven into all that we do as Christians at Fairview: prayer lists, prayer teams, morning prayers on Sundays. Make a prayer request to Tim Latham or an Elder and chances are they will stop right then and lift your concern to God’s throne in heaven.

Sunday Morning Sunday school Leadership

On Sunday mornings at Fairview we offer Sunday school for our children (and adults). We serve our children in leading these groups, teaching them the Bible, Christian beliefs and guiding them to their own confession of faith in Jesus Christ.

Extended Communion

Six times a year Fairview’s Elders and Deacons bring the Lord’s Supper to our members who, because of age or infirmity, are not able to join with us in Sunday worship. These teams serve these folk by recreating Sunday morning worship in their home.


Fairview and the local community team up with the Stop Hunger Now organization in a marathon evening that includes packaging rice in individual servings with flavoring and protein to be distributed worldwide to refugees and victims of disasters. In 2015 we packaged 10,000 meals in one evening. Our goal for 2016 is 15,000 meals.


Food Drive

Fairview EPC is partnering with The Salvation Army and Faith Alliance Church in Glenmoore to collect for their food bank.

The food bank at the Glenmoore Fire Hall serves 60 families each week, children to seniors, in the Glenmoore, Honeybrook, Elverson area.

Please join us in this important ministry. Bring your canned goods, and packaged goods to church with you and put them in the box in the foyer. This food is so appreciated.

Good Works

Fairview’s men meet on the first Saturday of each month to rehabilitate the homes of elderly and other folk in need. They do the practical, handyman work, and they take time to get to know the home owner they serve. 

Learn More

Worship Leadership

It is a team effort to make Sunday morning worship happen. Some of those who help lead in our worship of Jesus Christ include:

Lectors – who assist Pastor Tim in the liturgical elements of the service, offering prayers, reading scripture, and so on.

Childrens' Sermon – a part of the service set aside for our children’s participation.

Choir – Special music prepared and offered to God’s glory.

Tech Team – This is behind the scenes, but so important. We also offer listening devices for those who need them.

Ushers – provide a welcoming and organized environment for all who attend.