SERVE // Christmas Angel Tree 2018

On the welcome desk, you will find this year’s Christmas Angel Tree! This program is being sponsored by the Deacons and will support local families in Chester County through the Salvation Army.
Hanging on our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree will be Angel Tags as in year’s past. Angel gifts are due Sunday, December 2nd with your unwrapped gift and original tag attached. NOTE // the intention is that your gift(s) be TOYS for those listed on the tag. Because some have ask, we suggest a guideline to stay within the $25-$40 range.
Please place them in the Christian Education Office when you return them to church. When taking a tag or tags, please ensure you sign your name next to the corresponding number on the Christmas Angel Tree list clipboard.
Should you have any questions, please see Valerie Petrie about the program. Thank you for supporting this very important community outreach program!
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