September 29, 2017

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
17th Sunday After Pentecost
World Communion Sunday
Small Group Studies 9:15 a.m.
WORSHIP 10:30 A.M.
SERMON TEXT: Matthew 17:1-9
SERMON TITLE: "changed to listen, Not fear,
and see only jesus"
Rev. dr. dennis lesher
Opportunities to Know
Sunday Morning Small Groups
Sunday morning studies for children, youth, and adults begin at 9:15 a.m. During the fall, groups will run as they have in the past. THANK YOU TEACHERS for your commitment to continue to dedicate yourself to your students (no matter the age or grade) as you plant seeds and watch how God grows each of them.
Sunday Adult Study
If you've always wondered what the Old Testament is really about.. If you feel like the Old Testament is a confusing mix of hard-to-understand laws and boring history... If you've ever been confused about how the Old Testament relates to Jesus... then join us for Full of Promise. This eight-week study will help you understand the message of the whole Bible -- not only the big picture of the Old Testament, but how the pieces fit together, and how they point to the One who was to come.
This group will meet in Fellowship Hall. Facilitators are Jim Fox , Dan Obenschain, and Dennis Lesher.
Weekday Small Groups
Women's Tuesday Morning
The Tuesday Morning Small Group Study meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Parlor. This year we will continue the series "Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament" with book four --The Wisdom of God--. A quote from the author, Nancy Guthrie, best explains the book. "This study is uniquely designed to help you look into the wonder of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament and see how it prepares us for and points us toward Christ." Please join us for this time of study of God's word.
For any further information please contact Bernie Hughes at 610-715-8201 or via .
Women's Wednesday Evening
"Let's Study Philippians" is part of a series of books which explain and apply the message of Scripture. Understanding the Bible's message and applying its teaching are the aims. Almost 2000 years after they were written these pages continue to speak with a freshness and power. Our situations and circumstances differ from those of these early Christians but in the message they received we hear the voice of the Spirit of God addressing us still today. Sinclair Ferguson gives us the commentary throughout the book.
We meet on Wednesday evenings @ 7:00 p.m. in the church parlor. For further information contact Barbara Finch.
Our newest men's group, M.O.R.A. (Men of Retirement Age), has sprouted. The group is using the book titled “God’s Words of Life for Men”. This book combines scriptures and inspirational thoughts on a wide variety of topics that men are faced with every day. Discussion topics include: anger, strength, work, finances, role-models and integrity just to name a few. This group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening of the month at 7:30 p.m. at FEPC. For additional information email Don Titus or call him at 610-942-8721.
Opportunities to Serve
Trustees Workday
Please consider joining the Trustees on Saturday, October 14th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon for our Annual Fall Workday at FEPC.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. No special skills or tools are required!
A sign-up sheet is available in the foyer. Donuts and coffee will be provided.
Please contact Steven Chambers with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Deacon's Fund offering takes place on the fourth Sunday of every month. However, you may give to this fund anytime. Envelopes for this purpose are located in the pew rack. These funds, as in the past, will be used to assist our family members at Fairview who are in need of assistance. This ranges from meals-on-wheels, personal and special needs as they arise. Please consider giving to this important ministry to our church.
Junior Church is back in full swing! Children aged 5 to 8 may participate in this program taking place during church worship. It is located in one section of the nursery and the children are excused after the Children's Moment to go downstairs. If you would like to participate by teaching a lesson, please see Valerie Petrie. The lesson and craft are always provided and the kids love having time together to fellowship. Please consider if you feel led to serve!
"special time for Young disciples" VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE FALL
Are you interested in actively becoming involved with the Special Time for Young Disciples, an important part of our Sunday Morning Worship Service? Presently we are seeking persons, (both men and women), who would welcome the opportunity to be a part of a new “teaching team” for this ministry. We will presently continue to use the book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, which consists of 1-page short stories, a scripture & a short prayer. If you sense a “calling” to this type of ministry service, please contact either
Val Petrie 610-942-3620 or
; or
Dennis Lesher 484-341-8169 or
Fairview's Good Works team "is looking for someone to assume the Ambassador role filled by Geoff Back over the past year." Geoff would be happy to address the questions of anyone who is interested by or by phone 610-574-5823.
Our team is now supporting homes in Northern Chester County! Our normal workday is the first Saturday of the month. Our next workday is October 7th.
Our current home is in Honey Brook. We are working out of the NCC Warehouse in St. Peter’s Village. Our workday begins at the St. Peter's warehouse at 8:00 and we complete our workday by 3 PM.
We would love to have you join our team. Many hands make light work. You only need to bring a willing heart. Tools and materials are provided. Women and teens are also welcome to join us.
The Team meets at 8 AM at the NCC Warehouse in St. Peters Village.
We are always in need of lunch providers. Simple lunches are fine. The lunch not only nourishes our workers but is part of our ministry and fellowship with the homeowners, sometimes even neighbors, and extras are left with the homeowner. It is a great outreach opportunity and lunch providers are invited to stay to eat with us and share in the fellowship. If interested, please contact Sue Obenschain at 610-286-5013.
For questions and/or further details contact: Roy Adler 610-416-5996 or Hob Pusey 610-506-8170.
BAGEL SUNDAY - New volunteers needed, sign up here!
We are desperately in need of sponsors if we want Bagel Sundays to continue! Anyone interested in sponsoring a Bagel Sunday the last Sunday of any month, please see Christy Pomager on Sunday, email her or Sign Up HERE .
Do you realize that there are 2 months until Thanksgiving? That is so important to remember because we need to keep supporting the food bank and keep our interests in their needs, in our minds, so when the number swells for families in need, during the holidays, we are tuned in to help.
Please keep contributing to the food bank by placing your donations in the box downstairs.
Thank you!
The new summer nursery schedule is available and we are in need of a few volunteers in the Church Nursery on Sunday mornings to help our Nursery Attendant, Nancy Finch with the children. If you are interested you can email Christy Pomager or call her 610-469-4681 or Sign Up HERE to register.
Even if you can only sign up for one Sunday per quarter, it is much appreciated.
fepc Coffee ministry
The chill will soon be in the morning air and that cup of coffee will taste even better! FEPC is always in need of K-cup donations to keep our coffee ministry alive on Sunday mornings and at Small Group Studies held here. Next time you pass the K-cups in the grocery aisle why not pick up a pack and bring it with you on Sunday morning? This would be a huge blessing! We can use caffeine/decaf/tea/hot chocolate/flavored. See you at the Keurig on Sunday!
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