September 18, 2022

Join Us for In-Person Worship!
September 18, 2022 at 10:30 a.m.
SERMON TEXT: 1 Peter 1:13-22
SERMON TITLE: His Beloved Children/ Rev. Tim Latham
This service will be available via Live Stream on our Facebook page starting at 10:30 a.m.. If you will be worshiping with us live, you can follow along with this week's bulletin.
A recording of the sermon and access to the bulletin will be posted on the Fairview website. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
“What if I don’t have a Facebook account?” You don’t need one to access the streamed worship services linked above.
"What about last week’s sermon?" All sermons are made available on our website. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
“Can I see previous worship services? The whole service… not just the sermon?” Yes…all previous Worship Services that were streamed live, can be found on Fairview’s FaceBook live videos page.
New sermon series
We have started a new series on 1st Peter called Living in hope. 1st Peter was written to the Christians who lived in the Roman Provinces of Asia Minor, modern day Turkey to encourage them despite the persecution and opposition they experienced. 1st Peter explains how even through trials and tribulations, God’s People should respond with hope and love. Although we here do not withstand the same persecution, my hope is that God will encourage us and challenge us, giving us the strength to remain steadfast and stand on HIs Good Promises.
If you’d like to delve deeper into the text and our study this Fall, I’d encourage you to consider Edmund Clowney’s commentary “The Message of 1st Peter” and Tim Keller’s ‘Walking with God through Pain and Suffering.”
adult sunday school class
youth sunday school
tuesday morning ladies bible study
wednesday evening bible study
fairview men's discipleship group
christian endeavor special collection
glenmoore food pantry
The Food Pantry is also collecting backpacks and school supplies.
bridge of hope "unaffordable rent" program
In today’s tight housing market, affordable homes and apartments are extremely scarce for lower income families. A recent study showed that only 37 affordable homes are available for every 100 low-income renters. Even the number of days it takes to find suitable housing for families has increased, more than doubling over last year alone. With your help, Bridge of Hope is finding housing opportunities for more families facing homelessness this year—despite a market that’s pricing many of them out. Your support will make this happen!
Ariana* and her two young children were moving between homes of family and friends and occasionally living out of a car. She had searched for an affordable apartment for months, with no success, despite stable employment as a care assistant at a nursing home. After joining Bridge of Hope Ariana saw a listing for a two-bedroom apartment and applied—along with 70 other people. Her participation in Bridge of Hope and resolve to end homelessness swayed the landlord, who gave her the lease—and transformed her family’s future.
Your gift toward the goal of $150,000 by September 22 will help more families into homes and stabilize more lives through new programs and expanded services for parents and children facing homelessness.
Your gift this summer will help end family homelessness. Ariana’s story isn’t unique. Your support can help more than 150 Ariana's find housing this coming year. To learn more or give online:
Thank you for the HOPE you make possible for Ariana and other moms like her .
good works
Come help us Repair Homes and Restore Hope on the First Saturday each Month. We recently started work on a new home. Our NEXT Workday is October 1st.
Plan to Join Us! All you need is a willing heart; we provide everything else!
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