Pastoral Search Committee Announcement

On behalf of the Pastor Search Committee (PSC), I am pleased to announce that after nearly a year and a half, our search has concluded, and we have identified our next pastor. After screening and interviewing many candidates, the Committee unanimously recommended Tim Latham to be called to lead Fairview. Tim is currently a candidate under care at Third Church in Richmond, VA, which is in the ECO, or Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. The ECO is a branch of Presbyterian churches very similar to the EPC. Tim is not yet ordained in the EPC, and will start here at Fairview as Director of Ministry on October 15th. Tim will be preaching on Sundays and in many regards will be functioning as our pastor while he studies for his ordination exams. Under the current timeline, we anticipate he will be ordained and installed as our pastor following the presbytery meeting in April of 2019, but there is a possibility that could occur sooner.
The Search Committee and Session realize you will have many questions about Tim, and about his onboarding process. We will hold a meeting following worship next Sunday, here in the sanctuary, to answer your questions. We are also planning a more formal introduction process so each and every one of you can meet Tim and his wife Ginny when they arrive. They will be staying in the manse until they decide where they will purchase a home. We trust you will welcome and embrace them, and we have every confidence that Tim will be a great shepherd for our church.
As our Lord Jesus said to his disciples in the gospel according to Matthew,
40 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. 41 Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. ~Matthew 10:40-41
The search committee would like to give our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your prayers, support, encouragement, and patience throughout this process.
Thanks, and God Bless.
Jim Fox - Chairman of the PSC
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