October 18, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, October 20, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: 2 Samuel 12:1-13
SERMON TITLE: "David and Nathan" // Tim Latham
Weekly Memory Work
It's Time for the Square Dancing Social
The Square Dance/Appetizer and Dessert Social is this Saturday Evening!
Please come on out, this event is for adults and children. We have a professional Square Dance Caller, Stefan Menger calling the event.
If you did not sign up, don’t worry about it, the event is open to everyone, just show up. If you want to bring an appetizer or a dessert please do.
The Fairview Fellowship Committee has been working hard to put together a variety of events for the year, so come on out and show your support for their efforts this year!
Trunk or Treat
There are so many ways to engage in this fun event.... donate nut free candy, decorate your trunk, dress up your kids/grandkids, invite some friends and neighbors. Read More...
Join the Team!
Fairview is seeking volunteers to assist with recreational and social events
The Fellowship Committee needs people to help organize events for your church family. Read More...
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