November 22, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, November 24, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: 2 Corinthians 9:10-15
SERMON TITLE: "His Indescribable Gift" // Tim Latham
Consecration Sunday
Stewardship packets were distributed this past week. We encourage you to prayerfully prepare your heart and commitments. Your cards may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday. If needed, you can print blank Time and Talent and/or Commitment cards at home by clicking the images below.
Special Service
Weekly Memory Work
Tuesday Morning Advent Study
We will not meet Thanksgiving week. On December 3rd, we will begin 3 weeks of Advent Readings from “Love Came Down At Christmas” by Sinclair Ferguson. If you are interested in joining us for this advent study, simply email Bernie Hughes.
Christmas Luncheon
There is just one more week to sign up for this year's Annual Christmas Luncheon. As this is a catered event, final numbers need to be communicated to our vendor. Be sure to add your name and headcount to the sign up sheet available in the church foyer!
Deck the Halls of Fairview EPC
We will be "decking the halls" of Fairview EPC on Saturday morning December 7th from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. There's a sign up sheet in the foyer. Please consider coming out and helping.
Music Ministry Opportunities
Fairview's Choir is always looking for another good voice! Are you interested? If so, contact Clark Lash or Tim Latham and let us know of your interest in joining the choir!
Cantata rehearsals are from 7:15-7:45pm in the sanctuary
Food Pantry Collection
We continue to collect pantry items that are donated to the Glenmoore Food Pantry which is served by the Salvation Army. If anyone is curious how the food pantry hands out food, the folks working at the food pantry put together boxes of a variety of items for each family to pick up. Patrons using the food pantry do not select what items they will receive. Thank you to everyone who has donated... for your generosity to this mission!
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