November 1, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, November 3, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
SERMON TITLE: "The Macedonian Example" // Tim Latham
A couple of weeks ago, when studying the relationship between David and Nathan – we talked about how grace and sin are indelibly intertwined. Over the next 4 weeks, we will see a similar relationship at play between grace and generosity. We will be discussing generosity and stewardship by walking through chapters 8 and 9 of Paul’s Second letter to the Corinthian church. This month, we’ll delve into details on the Macedonian Example, the biblical tradition of “first fruits,” as well as the roles of joy, humility, and gratitude in giving. But most importantly, we’ll see how God’s grace underpins all of this. As we journey through this text and offer up our own faith commitments, we will be challenged in terms of our giving – not only our finances but also our time and talents. Yet, at the end, I believe our words will echo the Apostle Paul’s grateful celebration: “Thanks be to God and His Indescribable Gift.”
Weekly Memory Work
Good Works on Nov. 2nd
We are always looking for folks to join the team, whether it’s working on the house, or helping to provide lunch... Prayerfully consider if this ministry is a good option for your service! Read more...
Food Pantry Collection
We continue to collect pantry items that are donated to the Glenmoore Food Pantry which is served by the Salvation Army. If anyone is curious how the food pantry hands out food, the folks working at the food pantry put together boxes of a variety of items for each family to pick up. Patrons using the food pantry do not select what items they will receive. Thank you to everyone who has donated... for your generosity to this mission!
Have You Made Your Reservation?
Sign ups are underway for our next Fairview Dines Out, which will be held on November 16th. Read More...
Deck the Halls of Fairview EPC
We will be "decking the halls" of Fairview EPC on Saturday morning December 7th from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. There's a sign up sheet in the foyer. Please consider coming out and helping.
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