May 3, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, May 5, 2019 // 10:30 am
Third sunday of easter
SERMON TEXT: Acts 1:1-11
SERMON TITLE: "Baptized in the Spirit" // Tim Latham
Connect with Others
Ladies... You Are Invited!
We hope you can join in the celebration and fellowship! Kindly RSVP to Chris Adler by or phone (610-506-2155). If you'd like to help in the planning, and haven't already let us know, you can simply sign up here.
Sign Up in the Foyer Now!
Come enjoy fellowship with the Fairview family after church on Sunday, June 9th at the annual All Church Picnic! Please bring a side to share and we'll provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and beverages.
Grow in Knowledge
Prepare for Our next Sermon Series // Spirit Dwelling
At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus because it’s the moment when God enters this world deciding to dwell amongst us. The Christian term for this is incarnation but my favorite phrasing is that of Eugene Peterson who simply said: “and God moved into the neighborhood.” This indwelling of Jesus is a pivotal moment in our history. Pentecost is a less celebrated but similar moment; at Pentecost – God gives us the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit – a person of the Triune God to dwell with us. St. Augustine said that “without the Spirit, we can neither love God nor keep His Commandments.” It provides the power for the church. From May 5th - June 9th, we will be studying the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts and what it means that God has given us the amazing gift of the Spirit Dwelling among us.
Weekly Memory Work
Bible Study Updates
Please note...
- the Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study will begin their summer hiatus for May through August.
- the Wednesday Evening Women's Bible Study is doing a brief series on basic reformed theology. This study finishes May 15th
Both studies will resume again in the Fall. More details to follow!
Sunday Bible Study
Men's Bible Study
Serve Others
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
MAY 4th // Trustees Spring Work Day
We're hoping to attract a record crowd, surpassing our well-attended Fall Work Day at the manse last October. All are welcome!! No special skills needed. Our primary task will be weeding and spreading mulch among the many tree beds that line the church property. As such, we'd invite attendees to please bring pitchforks, rakes and shovels. In addition, we hope to accomplish several other tasks - of both the indoor and outdoor variety - should mulching hold insufficient appeal.
Good WOrks // May 4th 2019
Donations can be dropped in the box located in the church foyer!
We continue to collect pantry items that are donated to the Glenmoore Food Pantry which is serviced by the Salvation Army.
Thank you to Robin Miller and Bobbie Mackey for their dedication to delivering our items to the food pantry weekly!!
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