May 25, 2018

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, May 27, 2018 // 10:30 am
Trinity Sunday
SERMON TEXT: John 4:1-29
SERMON TITLE: "A Witness Remembers & Tells" // Chaplain Dr. Juliana Lesher
Opportunities to Connect
Testing the Waters...
There are two events that we are getting a pulse on the interest level!! Sign ups are available in the Church Foyer!
The game being considered is Sunday, July 22 at 5pm, which is one of the games that players share their faith as believers in Jesus Christ. You'll see the sign up sheet has a section asking interest in participating with the buffet. Please response to this proposed outing by SUNDAY JUNE 10th.
We are trying to reignite Recreational Evenings, starting with Volleyball. Guidelines are at least 18 years old, co-ed, and will occur in the evening (considering a Monday at 7:30) to take place in fellowship hall. Invite a friend, and/or neighbor for a time of exercise and fun. A short devotional will proceed the play time.
You're Invited to an Open House
RSVP to Barb Finch via or text (610.608.2096).
Have you invited your friends and family?
Our church picnic with music by Ransomed Bluegrass, is right around the corner!! Grilled meats will be provided, we ask that you bring a side/dessert to share. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. A love offering will be collected.
Come ready to eat and relax! Don't forget your your lawn chair!!
Opportunities to Know
Weekly Memory Work
A Snippet of Reformed Doctrine
Q. 196. What does the conclusion of the Lord’s prayer teach us?
A . The conclusion of the Lord’s prayer (for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever1) teaches us that there must be substance to our requests,2 that they are based not on any intrinsic worth in ourselves or any created being but on God himself,3 and that to our prayers should be added praise,4 which recognizes God alone as eternally sovereign, omnipotent, and gloriously excellent.5 In that respect, insofar as he is able and willing to help us,6 our faith makes us bold to plead with him that he will help us7 and calmly to count on him to answer our prayers.8To show that we want to be heard and have confidence that we are heard, we say Amen.9
1, Mt 6.13.
2. Rom 15.30, Job 23.3-4, Jer 14.20-21.
3. Dn 9.4,7-9,16-19.
4. Phil 4.6.
5. 1 Chr 29.10-13.
6. Eph 3.20-21, Lk 11.13, Ps 84.11.
7. 2 Chr 20.6,11, Eph 3.12, Heb 10.19-22.
8. 2 Chr 14.11, 1 Jn 5.14, Rom 8.32.
9. 1 Cor 14.16, Rv 22.20-21.
Small Group Studies
Sunday Morning
Sunday morning studies is now on summer break. We are so grateful for the dedicated teachers and participants who continue to make our Christian Education program one of Fairview's many blessings!! Classes will resume SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9th.
WOMEN // Don't miss this wonderful event!
Several Other Small Groups Meet During the week
Check out the website for a complete listing of All Small Group Opportunities.
Opportunities to Serve
Bagel Sunday Sign Ups // Volunteers Needed for June and July
We are looking for hosts for upcoming months. Please consider serving in this way. More details and an online sign up are available here.
Volunteers Welcome!!
VBS is quickLy approaching.
The theme this summer is Galactic Starveyors. This VBS reignites children's sense of discovery and exploration as they marvel at the wonders of the starry sky. Most of all, they gaze toward the God who created the universe and everything in it. They will learn that He wants to have a personal relationship with them.
We will need lots of volunteers to make this another Fairview success! Please see Valerie Petrie for more information or tell her of your ability to help create and decorate, make snacks, teach a lesson, lead songs, wrangled children, play games or act crazy with our awesome kids! This is a wonderful outreach and a wonderful way to serve our community and our Lord.
Come on into the clubhouse and show kids that God is over the moon in love with them!
Summer Dates Still Available
We are happy to invite volunteers to assist in the Nursery during Sunday worship. Find a date that works best for you!
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
Many of ouR Service Opportunities are ongoing ... to learn more click any image below for further details!
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