March 27, 2020

Worship “With” Us!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
SERMON TEXT: John 15:1-17
SERMON TITLE: "I am the Vine" // Tim Latham
This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together!
Update from Tim
I know that across our congregation, folks are feeling different anxieties during this time. Some are worried about their healthsome are worried about their jobs or finances while others are feeling isolated in their homes or overwhelmed with kids home from school! This is a unique and difficult time for all of us. But no matter how isolated we may feel away from our friends, our coworkers, and our church family – we know that we are not alone. Read More...
Weekly Memory Work
Praise be to God...
Last Sunday was an opportunity to witness the love, compassion and dedication of the Fairview Family. Amid the Social Distancing Orders in place due to the coronavirus pandemic, we held a congregational meeting in the parking lot in order to vote for Tim Latham as Fairview's next pastor. The turnout was AMAZING. Support came from those able to attend, as well as those unable. By way of a unanimous vote, Tim Latham was voted as our next pastor. He will be examined by the EPC POTE Ministerial Committee next month.
Food Pantry Needs
Wrapped Easter Candy // Easter is right around the corner... the pantry puts together many Easter Baskets for kids. With so many local egg hunts canceled, this need will be greater than typical years past.
During the "Stay at Home" orders, the pantry's donations are quite slim, and the needs of those they support are greater than ever. Kids and parents alike, are home emptying the cabinets all day long. Please consider options that children could make independently, while mom and dad are working (sandwich supplies, canned meats, microwavable pastas, etc.). In addition to food, cleaning supplies and pet supplies would be very helpful.
Donations can be dropped by the back door of the church during weekly office hours.
Simply call Jenn in the office and let her know you've left something. She will move them inside. Robin Miller will continue to come on Friday mornings around 9am, and take our collection to the food pantry.
Connecting even while Social Distancing
The Fairview family is here to uplift, encourage and support one another. Even as we worship from a distance, it is important to connect. Your Deacons and Elders are always available, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Elders |
Who’s Your Deacon? |
Barb Finch Jim Fox Linda Gyrath Aimee Ludt Bonnie Mecaughey Dan Obenschain Carolyn Thompson |
Adams—Comstock Sherrie McCormick Condron—Fox Pat Pomager Greeby—Lash Sue Obenschain Latham—Newby Chris Adler Obenschain—Ruggerio Carol Covert Sauder—Streeter April White Styer—Yingst Doreen Newby |
We know that during this season where so many schools and companies are closed or moving to alternative schedules, some of us may be financially burdened. For those who are struggling, we do have a benevolence fund administered by the deacons to meet the financial needs of our community. If you're struggling, please reach out to your deacon or contact Carol Covert for more information.
Giving // an act of worship
Many of our members give in person during the Sunday offerings. If you are still able to contribute during this period of Worshipping from a Distance, please consider an alternative method for your weekly offering:
mail in your offerings
set up an automatic e-check with your financial institute
make your contribution securely online
so we're able to maintain our financial commitments until we're able to meet again in person.
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