March 20 // A Letter From Session

We know that many of our brothers and sisters are dealing with anxiety, fear, or loneliness during this time. It's difficult to have to change our normal routines and practice social distancing when we are social beings. However, we do believe that this time could also be a wonderful season for the church to find creative solutions and shine as the "city upon a hill" that Jesus intended us to be. There will be more updates, but here are a few of the problems and solutions that we're putting into practice at Fairview.
First, the Center for Disease Control has recommended a moratorium on gatherings of more than 50 people for the next 8 weeks. The Session is reviewing all updates and while we desire nothing more than to worship together in person, we are cancelling all large groups and gatherings at Fairview until it is deemed safe and prudent. This weekend, and every week until we're back together, we will have a home worship guide on our website. It will be a version of our normal Sunday liturgy that you can use at home. The worship guide, along with Tim's weekly sermon, will be live on the website Sunday morning.
Second, as you know we were scheduled to have a congregational meeting this Sunday, March 22nd, primarily aimed at voting on the calling of a Pastor -- Tim! Because this vote is time sensitive, we are going to continue with the meeting, but move it outside to the church parking lot at 12:00 PM on Sunday. Folks can stay in or near their cars and keep the recommended 6 foot distance.
If you have thoughts or concerns but are unable to make it to the meeting please reach out to Jim Fox.
Finally, we know that during this season where so many schools and companies are closed or moving to alternative schedules, some of us may be financially burdened. For those who are struggling, we do have a benevolence fund administered by the deacons to meet the financial needs of our community. If you're struggling, please reach out to your deacon or contact Carol Covert for more information. Additionally, many of our members give in person during the Sunday offerings. If you are still able to contribute, please consider mailing in your offerings or making your contribution online so we're able to maintain our financial commitments until we're able to meet again in person. You could also bring along an offering with you to the congregational meeting.
Most importantly, please let Tim know if you have any needs or concerns over the coming weeks; there are people at Fairview who are eager to help and answer our common call to serve one another.
- The Session
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