June 7, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, June 9, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: Acts 2:1-13
SERMON TITLE: "The Coming of the Spirit" // Tim Latham
It's PENTECOST SUNDay ... Wear your Red!
Please come to church in your casual dress and plan to join us immediately following worship for the Church Picnic!
VBS Update
Vacation Bible School is on June 18th to 20th from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
PLEASE HELP we need a couple of household items for our VBS crafts.
You will find a box marked VBS DONATIONS in the vestibule to drop them off.
- Paper Towel Tubes
- Toilet Paper Tubes
- Empty Water Bottles with Lids (16 oz.)
Mark your calendar for final set up on June 17th.
Please see Valerie Petrie for more information or tell her if you are planning on coming to help. (610-476-0531 - cell // 610-942-3620 - home // ).
This VBS will get children up close and personal with elephants and egrets, polar bears and penguins, cockatoos and crocodiles, and so much more! Each child will experience natural habitats, and they may catch a glimpse of the tip of a tail or a flash of color racing through the terrain. There’s nothing quite as thrilling as encountering an animal up close. But the kids will have an even greater thrill when they encounter Jesus in Scripture!
During VBS, kids will focus on some amazing, real-life encounters with Jesus. Each encounter is like a snapshot—it’s a specific moment in time captured on the pages of Scripture. And when put together, these isolated encounters reveal the most amazing truth of all—Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing we can have life in His name.
Please pray! It’s the most important piece to His success in bringing Christ to those who don’t know Him.
Come on into the wild with us and let show kids that God’s true love!
REGISTRATION IS OPEN // Sign ups are available here.
Weekly Memory Work
Meal Train for the Sauders
Your help is needed in providing dinners for Cheryl and Barry Sauder on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week through the summer as Cheryl continues her chemo treatments for cancer. Please prayerfully consider the dates and see where you can help. Follow this link to sign up or contact Chris Adler (610) 506-2155.
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