July 7, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, July 7, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TITLE: "God as Our Strength & Portion" // Tim Latham
July 14, 2019
Please plan to stay after worship on July 14 for a congregational meeting. After a season of prayer, the nominating committee has a slate of nominees to serve Fairview.
Weekly Memory Work
Who are you bringing with you??
Gather your friends and neighbors! This is sure to be a highlight of your summer fellowship!
Feel free to grab the image and use an an invitation to others! There is a "print friendly" version on our website. Read more...
Prayerfully Consider...
Meal Train for the Sauders
Your help is needed in providing dinners for Cheryl and Barry Sauder on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week through the summer as Cheryl continues her chemo treatments for cancer. Please prayerfully consider the dates and see where you can help. Follow this link to sign up or contact Chris Adler (610) 506-2155.
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