July 31, 2020

Come Worship with Us!
Sunday, August 2, 2020 // 10:30am
SERMON TEXT: Jonah 3: 1-10
SERMON TITLE: "The People Repent" // Tim Latham
NOTE: If you will be joining us remotely, either this week or next, the bulletin and sermon will only be available on our website for on-demand viewing.
Thank you For your Service to Leadership
Last week, after worship, the congregation unanimously approved the following nominations for leadership roles at Fairview EPC. We ask that you continue to keep them all in your prayers as they serve in these roles!
Elders - Dan Obenschain, Dennis Lesher, Roy Adler
Deacons - Amy Styer, Stephanie Miller
Trustees - Bill Mecaughey, John Keeler, Steve Chambers
Auditor - Phil Sears
Nominating Committee (Members at Large) - Chris Adler, Diane Drumeler, Eileen Fox, Bobbie Mackey, Pat White, Don Titus - Alternate
More About Bridge of Hope
Neighboring Means Getting to Know Someone
Laura's Story
If you have interest in participating or would like further information, please contact Brenda Stauffer at: or 484-678-0436
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