July 3, 2016

Come Worship With Us!
SUNDAY, JUly 3rd
10:30 A.M. WORSHIP
SERMON TEXT: Genesis 24:1-67
SERMON TITLE: It's Beyond Me!
Fairview Softball plays Thursday this week at 6:30 p.m. on the field at Fairview!
Come out and cheer us on!!
Opportunities to Serve
Our first Northern Chester County (NCC) work day will be July 9th due to the July 4th holiday weekend. Our normal workday is the first Saturday of the month rather than the fourth. The next workday will be August 6th.
Our next home is here in Glenmoore. We will be working out of the NCC Warehouse in St. Peter’s Village.
For questions and/or further details contact: Roy Adler at 610-416-5996 or Jim Palmer at 610-458-0898.
You only need to bring a willing heart. Most tools and materials are provided. Women and teens are also welcome to join us.
Watch for more details about timing and meeting location for our breakfast location.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a Bagel Sunday the last Sunday of any month, please see Christy Pomager on Sunday or email her at
Fairview EPC is partnering with The Salvation Army and Faith Alliance Church in Glenmoore and the Glenmoore Fire Hall to collect canned goods for families in need in the Glenmoore/Honey Brook/Elverson areas. They serve 60 families each week.
Pleas keep in mind this is an ongoing service event so please don't forget we need your donations!
Any questions please email Jo-Ellen at or see me in church.
We are in need of a few volunteers in the Church Nursery on Sunday mornings to help our Nursery Attendant, Nancy Finch with the children. If you are interested you can contact Christy Pomager at or 619-469-6481. There is also a sign up genius available.
Next time you pass the K-cups in the grocery aisle why not pick up a pack and bring it with you on Sunday morning? This would be a huge blessing! Or if you ever see a Buy One GET One sale why not Buy One and GIVE One? We can use caffeine/decaf/tea/hot chocolate/flavored. Any brand name is fine!!! See you at the Keurig on Sunday!
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