July 17, 2020

Worship "with" Us!
Sunday, July 19, 2020 // 10:30am
SERMON TEXT: Jonah 1: 1-16
SERMON TITLE: "Jonah Resists" // Tim Latham
This week's service will be available via Live Stream. A link will be provided on both our website and Facebook page.
New Sermon Series
While Jonah is one of the better-known stories in the Bible, we often miss the lessons intended. Beyond the story of Jonah and the whale, we learn a great deal about God and how often we misunderstand and rebel against Him. The story of Jonah is the story of God’s Grace extending to people whom we wouldn’t suspect, God’s grace disrupting our own preconceptions and plans, God’s grace reaching out to us despite how we run away from God. Tim Keller writes that “Jonah wants a God of his own making, a God who simply smites the bad people and blesses the good people … when the real God – not Jonah’s counterfeit – keeps showing up Jonah is thrown into fury or despair.” This is true not only of Jonah but also all of us; we try to do things our own in pursuit of happiness, comfort, self-sufficiency and then bristle when God calls us to service, mission, and dependence. This calling is not punishment but grace and this grace is a great gift from God.
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New Opportunity to Serve
Take a look at the Neighboring Program: https://chestercounty.bridgeofhopeinc.org/our-model/
If you have interest in participating or would like further information, please contact Brenda Stauffer at: or 484-678-0436
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