January 12, 2018

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, January 14, 2018
SERMON TEXT: Psalm 23, John 10:1-10
SERMON TITLE: "We Don't Say 'Sheeps', we say 'Sheep'" // Rev. Dan Stewart
Opportunities to Know
Many Small Groups Group Opportunities Throughout the Week
Sunday Morning Small Group Studies for All Ages
Sunday morning studies for children, youth, and adults are going very well. And there's always room for Y-O-U! Sunday Small groups start at 9:15 a.m.
The Adult Small Group will begin a new study called Mission Unstoppable. (Acts). These 10 studies will take us through the book of Acts, examining the biblical text in detail and drawing out the implications for our lives. If such topics as Apostles behaving bravely, The voice of the martyr, The unstoppable King plus 7 others, hold an intriguing interest of yours, then you should definitely join this small group on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. Facilitators/teachers for this study are Jim Fox, Dan Obenschain, Phil Harvey and Dennis Lesher. We’d love to have Y-O-U in our group too!
Several Small Groups Meet During the week
Check out the website for a complete listing of All Small Group Opportunities.
Weekly Memory Work
Opportunities to Serve
Our Junior Church program is for children aged 5 to 8 and takes place during church worship. It is located in one section of the nursery and the children are excused after the Children's Moment to go downstairs.
"Special Time for Young Disciples" Volunteers Needed
The schedule for the Special Time for Young Disciples, is wide open for this Winter and Spring. Please sign up using the link below or speak with Dennis Lesher. We presently continue to use the book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, which consists of 1-page short stories, a scripture & a short prayer. If you sense a “calling” to this type of ministry service, please contact Dennis Lesher, (484-341-8169), or e-mail at: .
To sign up use this link:
Bagel Sunday
The calendar for the beginning of 2018 is now available. Get ahead on your planning and pick a date that works best for you.
FEPC Coffee ministry
Come on in... warm up! FEPC is always in need of K-cup donations! Next time you pass the K-cups in the grocery aisle why not pick up a pack and bring it with you on Sunday morning? This would be a huge blessing! We can use caffeine/decaf/tea/hot chocolate/flavored.
Opportunities to Connect
Did You Verify Your Details?
It is time to publish the 2018 church membership directory but before that is done, we want to be sure the information we have on file is correct and up to date. The next couple of Sundays, copies of the current membership directory will be available for your review and give you an opportunity to make any corrections. Please check your information and email the with any changes.
In addition to the membership directory, we would like to provide a “Yellow Pages” directory of church members that may wish to have their businesses or services advertised and available to other church members. So if you are interested in advertising your services or business, please include that information on the sign up sheet at the Welcome Desk or send the information to Hob Pusey.
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