February 25, 2018

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Second Sunday In Lent
SERMON TEXT: Genesis 12:1-9, Luke 9:51-62
SERMON TITLE: "Discipleship Revisited", Rev. Richard Brondyke
Looking Ahead ... Holy Week Services
Opportunities to Connect
Sign Up for a Potluck and Game Night
Bring whatever food you would like... a main dish, a side dish, a salad or a desert (enough for 8-10 people). Drinks and paper plates will be provided. Some games will be provided (Sequence, Bunco, Dominos, Boggle) or bring your own if you prefer. We will provide separate games for kids ages 5-10. Sign ups are in the foyer.
Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt
Bring your family and friends to Egg Hunt which will be held rain or shine.
Donations of candy (no nuts please) can be brought to the church and placed in the container in the foyer.
Cantata Practice has Begun
Calling all singers... Psalms 100:1 says "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!" See Clark Lash if you would like to participate in our Easter Cantata. Practices are held prior to Choir Practice. Hope to see you next week.
Opportunities to Know
Pick Up Your Lenten Devotions
For this season of Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday, February 14, we are making available to you a choice of two booklets – Practicing Love by Leah and Robyn Perrault and Psalms For Lent by Jane Wilke. These booklets may be picked up at the ‘welcome table’ in the church foyer. We encourage you to take the one that will best enrich you and your family spiritually during this season of Lent.
Sunday Morning Small Group Studies
Sunday morning studies for children, youth, and adults continue going strong and begin at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday.
The current Adult Small group is studying Mission Unstoppable. (Acts). These 10 studies will take us through the book of Acts, examining the biblical text in detail and drawing out the implications for our lives. If such topics as Apostles behaving bravely, The voice of the martyr, The unstoppable King plus 7 others, hold an intriguing interest of yours, then you should definitely join this small group on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. Facilitators/teachers for this study are Jim Fox, Dan Obenschain, Phil Harvey and Dennis Lesher. We’d love to have Y-O-U in our group too!
LADIES– Tuesday Morning
February 13 - March 20, join us as we read and discuss sermons written by James Montgomery Boice. Each sermon discusses an aspect of the empty tomb. Any questions, or call Bernie Hughes for additional information.
For more information contact Bernie Hughes - 610 715 8201 or
LADIES—Wednesday Evening
We are beginning the book "A Call to United Extraordinary Prayer" by Jonathan Edwards. He was the foremost leader of the Great Awakening in North America in the 18th century. Luis Palau tells us, "Too often Prayer is a small, dusty compartment of our lives. This book shows that if we really believe that Prayer is communicating with an all powerful, holy, and just God - then it will be - it has to be - something entirely different." We will also spend some time discussing the "Season of Lent."
Our ladies are diligent in keeping their time from 7 PM until 8:30 PM. For additional information contact Barb Finch at 610-942-3735 or .
Weekly Memory Work
A Snippet of Reformed Doctrine
Q. 182. For Whom Should We Pray?
A . We should pray for the entire church of Christ on earth,1 for civil authorities2 and ministers,3 for ourselves4 and fellow believers,5 and, yes, for our enemies.6 We should pray for all humans who are alive,7 and those who are going to live in the future.8 But we should not pray for the dead9 or for those who are known to have sinned the sin that leads to death.10
1. Eph 6.18, Ps 28.9.
2. 1 Tm 2.1-2.
3. Col 4.3, 2 Thes 3.1.
4. Gn 32.11.
5. Jas 5.16.
6. Mt 5.44.
7. 1 Tm 2.1-2.
8. Jn 17.20, 2 Sm 7.29.
9. 2 Sm 12.21-23. This statement is [also] based on the absence of any command to pray for the dead, and of any example in the Scriptures of such prayer.
10. 1 Jn 5.16.
Opportunities to Serve
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
Flower Ministry Returns to Fairview
Good Works Work Day
March 3rd is work day. Click on the image for more details. For questions and/or further details contact: Roy Adler 610-416-5996 or Hob Pusey 610-506-8170.
"Special Time for Young Disciples" Volunteers Needed
If you sense a “calling” to this type of ministry service, please contact Dennis Lesher at 484-341-8169 or .
Our Junior Church program is for children aged 5 to 8 and takes place during church worship. It is located in one section of the nursery and the children are excused after the Children's Moment to go downstairs.
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