February 10, 2019

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, February 10, 2019 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: Luke 7:1-10
SERMON TITLE: "Faith of the Centurion" // Tim Latham
Opportunities to Connect
Thank You to all who participated in our love boxes for the College Ministry
Game night // February 9, 2019
This is a great opportunity to connect with your Fairview friends and family. If your schedule has opened and you can join us, we hope you'll stop by! Please bring your favorite board game(s)!
We hope that you'll plan to join us after worship on February 24th as we enjoy some fellowship, honor Linda's time and talents as our organist, and give her well wishes for her retirement days ahead. Light refreshments will be provided and a love basket will be available to collect any notes/cared/collections that you feel led to offer Linda.
Opportunities to Know
A Snippet of Reformed Doctrine // The Shorter Catechism
Q. 73. Which is the eighth commandment?
A. The eighth commandment is: You shall not steal.
Q. 74. What is required in the eighth commandment?
A. The eighth commandment requires us to obtain lawfully, and to further, the wealth and material well-being of ourselves and others.
Q. 75. What is forbidden in the eighth commandment?
A. The eighth commandment forbids whatever does or may unjustly hinder our own or our neighbor’s wealth and material well-being.
Weekly Memory Work
Small Group Studies
To learn more about all that are available, simple click on an image below to read the full details!
Opportunities to Serve
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
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