Celebrating Father's Day: A Time of Faith, Family, and Reflection

Join us for in-person worship!
Date: June 16, 2024
Time: 10:30am
Scripture: Genesis Ch. 13:1 - 18
Abram and Lot Separate - Rev. Tim Latham
Happy Father's Day to all our wonderful fathers! As we celebrate and honor the fathers in our congregation this Sunday, we invite you to join us for a deeply insightful sermon titled "Abram and Lot Separate." Pastor Tim will explore Genesis 13:1-18, a passage that details the amicable separation between Abram and his nephew Lot, and the significant choices that followed. Their story is one of faith, discernment, and the importance of making decisions guided by trust in God's promises.
This week's sermon will shed light on how Abram's actions and choices can inspire us to seek God's guidance in our own lives, particularly during times of conflict and decision-making. Together, we'll reflect on the themes of family, faith, and stewardship, drawing valuable lessons that are especially poignant as we celebrate Father's Day.
We look forward to gathering as a community for a meaningful time of worship, learning, and celebration. See you Sunday!
Are you looking for a meaningful way to serve and get involved at Fairview Church? Consider volunteering as an usher at Fairview!
An usher plays a crucial role in our worship services, providing a welcoming and organized environment for all who attend. Ushers are often the first point of contact for visitors and newcomers, and your friendly presence can leave a lasting impression, making everyone feel welcome and valued. As an usher, you'll greet attendees with a warm smile, assist with seating arrangements, distribute bulletins, and help ensure the smooth flow of the service. Your role will not only enhance the experience for our congregation but also reflect the love and hospitality that are at the heart of our church's mission.
Volunteering as an usher is a fantastic way to connect with fellow church members, make new connections, and experience the joy of serving others. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Hobson Pusey. We look forward to having you join this important and fulfilling ministry!
ReFOCUS Seminar Highlights
Earlier this month, we held an inspiring ReFOCUS seminar led by Stefan Bomberger. It was an energizing and clarifying time for those who attended, and we are hopeful that it will inspire significant changes to our plans as a church family. If you weren't able to make it and would like to see the videos, we have linked them below. We would love as many people as possible to watch so that we can be aligned moving forward!
Watch Fairview's ReFOCUS seminar
Vacation Bible School Starts This Monday!
We are thrilled to announce that our much-anticipated VBS kicks off this Monday and will run through the 21st from 9:00 to 11:30 AM. I'm sure you've all noticed the amazing "Under the Sea" decorations throughout the church, transforming our space into an underwater adventure!
A massive thank you to all the volunteers who have dedicated countless hours to bring this year's VBS from conception to reality. Your creativity, time, and hard work have made our church a vibrant and exciting place for our children to learn and grow in their faith.
This year's VBS promises to be filled with exciting activities, engaging lessons, and unforgettable memories. We look forward to seeing everyone there as we dive into a fun-filled week of learning about God's love and celebrating His creation underwater. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity for our children to connect, grow, and make lasting friendships. Let’s make a splash together!
Notice: Adult Sunday School and Women's Bible Study Group Schedule Update
Please be advised that both Adult Sunday School and the Women's Bible Study Group have concluded their current series and are adjourned for the summer. We appreciate everyone's participation and engagement throughout these past months.
We are excited to announce that both groups will resume their sessions with new and enriching series starting in the fall. Stay tuned for more details and schedules closer to the time. We look forward to reconvening and continuing our journey of faith and learning together. Thank you and enjoy a restful and blessed summer!
Men’s Bible Study
Our Fall Men's Bible Study group kicked off in October, embarking on an exploration of our Heavenly Father and Creator with the highly regarded book "Knowing God" by J. I. Packer.
"Knowing God" is a detailed and insightful study that offers a deeper understanding of our relationship with the Divine. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or new to the journey of faith, all are welcome to join us for this enlightening group study. We will meet in the Parlor room on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to reach out! We look forward to coming together, learning, and growing in faith as we dive into this enriching study.
What happens after the live stream?
A recording of the sermon and access to the bulletin will be posted on the Fairview website. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
What if I don't have a Facebook account?
No worries! You do not need an account to watch the live stream video.
What about last week's sermon?
As stated above, all sermons are located on the Fairview site for you to watch whenever you'd like. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
I have an event or announcement I want highlighted on the site/email/digital display. Who do I contact?
Great question! Please contact Mary Pusey for anything you'd like advertised to the congregation.
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