Are You Mission Minded?

The Salvation Army Food Pantry is located in the basement of the Faith Alliance Church at 570 Fairview Road, Glen Moore, PA 19343. We serve Honey Brook, Glen Moore, Morgantown, Downingtown and other nearby areas. The hours are 10:00 AM-12:00 PM every Friday.
What can I donate?
The food bank accepts donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene items, baby products, pet foods, etc. Please be sure that items are not out of date or opened. They can be dropped off in the container in the foyer. They are collected and delivered each week on Friday mornings.
During the holidays, we collect special items to help fill the food boxes for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. We set a goal for the church and ask the congregation to help us meet this goal. During the summer months, the Deacons run a challenge where the congregation is asked to donate certain items, and the Deacons match the number with a corresponding item. Example peanut butter and jelly.
Thank you to everyone who has donated for your generosity to this mission.
Volunteer at the Food Bank
Anyone that has free time on Friday mornings from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and would like to volunteer their time, it would be appreciated. They should be able to lift up to 50 pounds, stand on their feet for an extended amount of time, provide their PA Background Clearances and Child Abuse Clearances (help to acquire these is available).
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