April 3, 2020

Worship “With” Us!
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 5, 2020
SERMON TEXT: John 12:12-19
SERMON TITLE: "The Triumphal Entry" // Tim Latham
This sermon will be available on our website Sunday morning, so we can all worship from a distance together!
A Beautiful Idea for Palm Sunday
How can we publicly acknowledge this important day on our calendar when we will be behind closed doors? The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit posted this idea on their Facebook page:
What if everyone on Sunday, April 5 in the morning, puts a branch on the door of their house or on the window, to celebrate Palm Sunday? It could be any green branch you can get. This would help, despite the social distancing, to be connected as we enter into the Holiest of Weeks.
Want to join?
We may be physically isolated, but not separated. We are united as the body of Christ. Take a picture of your family/door!! Send pictures to Aimee Ludt, and she will compile them to share with everyone next week!
Holy Week Reading Plan
Thank you Pastor Tim for putting together a wonderful resource for us all during Holy Week!
Maundy Thursday | April 9, 2020
SERMON TEXT: John 13:31-35
SERMON TITLE: "A New Command" // Tim Latham
This sermon will be available on our website Thursday morning!
Weekly Memory Work
Have You Zoomed?
While COVID19 has prevented the groups here at Fairview from gathering together at church, we are starting to connect in alternative ways. This past week, the Tuesday Morning Bible Study held our weekly study session using zoom.
Even those without video access were able to call in and be a part of the study! Session used the same tool to hold this month's Session Meeting.
Any suggestions for additional uses so we can "gather" during this time??
Prayer hour, Coffee chat, etc....
Feel free to share your ideas with Pastor Tim and we will see what we can coordinate!!
Giving // an act of worship
Many of our members give in person during the Sunday offerings. If you are still able to contribute during this period of Worshipping from a Distance, please consider an alternative method for your weekly offering :
- mail in your offerings
- set up an automatic e-check with your financial institute
- make your contribution securely online
Did you Miss the Last Update from Tim?
I know that across our congregation, folks are feeling different anxieties during this time. Some are worried about their healthsome are worried about their jobs or finances while others are feeling isolated in their homes or overwhelmed with kids home from school! This is a unique and difficult time for all of us. But no matter how isolated we may feel away from our friends, our coworkers, and our church family – we know that we are not alone. Read More...
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