April 16, 2021

Join Us for In-Person Worship!
April 18, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.
SERMON TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49
SERMON TITLE: "Resurrected Bodies"/ Rev. Tim Latham
This service will be available via Live Stream on our Facebook page starting at 10:30 a.m.. If you will be worshiping with us live, you can follow along with this week's bulletin.
A recording of the sermon and access to the bulletin will be posted on the Fairview website. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
“What if I don’t have a Facebook account?” You don’t need one to access the streamed worship services linked above.
"What about last week’s sermon?" All sermons are made available on our website. The most recent sermon is always available toward the bottom of the homepage. Previous sermons are always available in our Sermon Library.
“Can I see previous worship services? The whole service… not just the sermon?” Yes…all previous Worship Services that were streamed live, can be found on Fairview’s FaceBook live videos page.
glenmoore food pantry needs your donations
Please feel free to drop your donations by the church during office hours Tuesday thru Friday. You may leave them at the side door or put them in the box in the foyer. Thank you for your contributions.
New tuesday morning bible study - lenten series
Women of Fairview please join us !
The Tuesday Morning Bible Study has resumed the book Through His Eyes by Jerram Barrs with Chapter 19. It is our plan to finish this book on April 27th and then meet during the month of May for a time of devotion and prayer requests.
We meet both in the Parlor at Fairview and via Zoom, whichever you feel most comfortable with. Please contact Bernie Hughes at 610 715 8201 or to receive the book and schedule.
wednesday evening women's bible study
fairview men's discipleship group - new study
The Men's Group study on the Gospel of John has resumed in person meeting on the first and third Tuesday evening of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Parlor.
bridge of Hope news
Please continue to keep Leta and her boys in your prayers. And if you would like to join Fairview’s Neighboring Volunteers with Bridge of Hope, please reach out to Brenda Stauffer at 484-678-0436.
Good Works
Come help us Repair Homes and Restore Hope on the First Saturday each Month. We started work on a new home in October. Our NEXT Workday is May 1st.
Plan to Join Us! All you need is a willing heart; we provide everything else!
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