September 9, 2018

Come Worship With Us!
Sunday, September 9, 2018 // 10:30 am
SERMON TEXT: Mark 4:35-41
SERMON TITLE: "Who is in the Storm with You?" // Rev. Robert Reid
Opportunities to Connect
Sunday School Kick Off is This Week!!
Have your plans changed? Are you available this Sunday? Don't be swayed if you didn't have the chance to sign up ahead of time. All are welcome and encouraged to start this Sunday Study season with a breakfast at 8:15am.
We have several exciting events in the works for the coming months. Click on the images for more details (as they become available).
Guys, this invitation is for YOU and a friend(s) you'd like to invite for a time of Christian fellowship, learning, developing and renewing friendships.
Refreshments, (Food... of course, + beverages) start off our day at 8:30 am.
Click Here for all the details
Volleyball Continues on Monday Evenings
Please consider joining us one of these Monday evenings! Simply let Dennis Lesher know you are interested. We start at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend and/neighbor for a time of exercise and fun. A short devotional will precede the play time.
Mark Your Calendar
and look for details in the near future for the following events.
More Events are in the Works
Keep your eyes out for more details on these upcoming events!!
- OCTOBER 26-27, 2018 // Camp Sankanac for children grades 1-6.
- DECEMBER 2, 2018 // Christmas Luncheon
Opportunities to Know
Weekly Memory Work
A Snippet of Reformed Doctrine // The Shorter Catechism
Q26. How doth Christ execute the office of a king?
A. Christ executeth the office of a king, in subduing us to Himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all His and our enemies.
Q27. Wherein did Christ’s humiliation consist?
A. Christ’s humiliation consisted in His being born, and that in a low condition, made under the law, undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time.
Small Group Studies
Get ready for womens' groups to resume
BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 2018 // BOTH TUESDAY MORNING and WEDNESDAY EVENING GROUPS will begin The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Prophets by Nancy Guthrie
(The last of the series Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament)
This is an in-depth study of the Prophetic Books in the Old Testament, with the goal of understanding them in the way that Jesus himself taught the disciples to read and understand the Old Testament: with him at the center.
THIS WEEK // The Tuesday Morning Group will resume on September 4th with a time of fellowship at 9:30 a.m. We will begin our new study with a DVD Introduction on September 11th.
The Wednesday Evening Group will resume on September 19th at 7:00pm in the Parlor.
Check out the website for a complete listing of All Small Group Opportunities.
Opportunities to Serve
With the kickoff of fall, many of you are returning or creating to "normal" routines. Prayerfully consider where you can serve and share the love of God with others.
September Collection
Let's help start the school year off right for local kids!
For September let’s turn our focus to items that can be used for lunch, either suitable for a packed lunch or for lunch at home. We are once again setting a goal of 100 items for the month of September. We came very close to our 100 breakfast items goal for August with 71 items. Donations can be dropped in the box located in the church foyer, next to the coffee bar.
A big T H A N K Y O U for your kindness!
Many of Fairview's Sign Ups are ready for Y O U!!
Bagel Sunday Host
Nursery Helpers
Special Time For Young Disciples Volunteer
Junior Church Volunteer
There are always many opportunities to serve with your fellow Fairview family and friends. To learn more and/or sign up simply click on the opportunity(ies) that interests you below!!
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